Aries Horoscope for July 2022

Your July horoscope for Aries

By the time you enter July, you’ll be in full view of the beautiful, supportive New Moon in Cancer on June 28th at 7 degrees, which will influence you in the coming weeks. If you know you need to move or are just casually thinking about moving without setting a date to back it up, start browsing websites now or sign up with a real estate broker to review properties. A new moon is always very powerful, and there is only one new moon a year in each of the different houses of the horoscope that can help you achieve your goals in life. This new moon is about home and family—the only new moon of its kind this year. Its effects last for several weeks after it occurs.

If you wait to make a move and take your time, you’ll have a Full Moon in Cancer on January 6th. Whether you rent or buy in early January, you can find the perfect location for you. Mars will be retrograde at that time, however, so if you can after January 12th, push off the precise closing of a house.

If you’re renting and don’t expect to stay for more than a few months, it’s okay if you sign when Mars is retrograde. Sometimes, as a friend told me, “I never thought I’d stay, but lo and behold, it’s been three years now and I haven’t moved.” The pandemic came and she couldn’t imagine moving at a time when high infection rates were raging. Life keeps happening, so you might think you’re not moving, but unexpected things can come up. If you feel you will lose the apartment if you don’t sign immediately, sign.

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This month’s new moon (well, technically June 28, but it affects you this month and beyond) will help you find a place to move in, a contractor to renovate, a professional, knowledgeable crew to make the necessary repairs, and ways to renovate and redecorate your home, even for a room. Whether it’s painting or picking out new furniture, this time of year can bring sales. If you live in the suburbs or in the country, you can hire a landscaper to design your garden or plant perennials or other flowers and shrubs to keep your property looking beautiful all season long.

Check the monthly horoscope of another zodiac sign:

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