At least two people have been killed in a Kiev missile attack

Russia has imposed sanctions on President Biden and other top US officials in a bid to curb travel to Russia in response to “unprecedented sanctions” preventing Russian officials from entering the United States.

Russia’s Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday that it had approved Foreign Secretary Anthony Blinken, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, CIA Director William Burns and White House Press Secretary Jen Zhaki. The list includes former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Mr. There is also Hunter Fiden, son of Fiden.

The Kremlin’s latest travel restrictions include 13 people, and the measures could be expanded, the foreign ministry said.

“In the future, new announcements will be made to expand the list of sanctions, including those of US top officials, the military, lawmakers, businessmen, professionals and journalists and journalists who contribute to inciting hatred against Russia and introducing sanctions.” The Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

The foreign ministry said Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Foreign Minister Melanie Jolie and National Defense Minister Anita Anand would be barred from entering Russia.

The move comes after Canada said on Friday Imposed new restrictions Targeted oligarchy affiliated with the Kremlin, including Roman Abramovich.

Russia has said it is open to maintaining official ties with those on its sanctions list.

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