Benjamin Hall delivers health update following Ukraine’s deadly attack: ‘I feel so lucky to be here’

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Fox News State Department Reporter Benjamin Hall Provided a health update following the horrific attack Ukraine It killed two colleagues.

Hall was rescued from the war zone last month and airlifted to a hospital in Germany. He was then transferred to a primary military medical facility in Texas, where he underwent several surgeries.

Benjamin Hall of Fox News relocated from Texas to Ukraine after suffering serious injuries

“In short, I’m lost half a leg on one side and one leg on the other. One arm is connected, one eye is not working, and my hearing is fine. But I feel everything. I’m so lucky to be here – the people who took me here are amazing!” Hall tweeted Thursday evening and shared a picture of himself from the hospital.

Hall also honored the senior Fox News cinematographer Pierre Zakrzewski And Ukrainian journalist Oleksandra “Sasha” Kuvshinova. Both were killed in the attack.

The funeral of Fox News cinematographer Pierre Zakrowski took place in Ireland

“I have to pay tribute to my colleagues Pierre and Sasha who did not win that day. Pierre and I traveled the world together, his joy at work and his joy contagious. RIP,” Hall wrote, sharing a photo of Pierre. As well as a live tribute video to Sasha.

Benjamin Hall (L) and Pierre Zakhrzewski (R)
(Fox News)

Kuvshinova is 24 years old and has worked as a consultant, assisting the team to move to Kiev and its environs while gathering information and talking to sources.

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Zakrzevsky, a Fox News legend, covered almost every international news story during his tenure, at the age of 55. Last year, he was instrumental in expelling Afghan freelance associates and their families from the country after leaving the United States. In December, Zakrzevsky was awarded the “Unsung Hero” Award at the Fox News Media Spotlight Awards.

Zakrzevsky’s funeral took place in Ireland last week.

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