Biden is set to announce $ 1 billion in new military aid to Ukraine

President Washington is expected to announce a total of $ 1 billion in new military aid to the Ukrainian government early Wednesday, as Washington-Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zhelensky is expected to make a request to Congress. Against his country Invasion of Russia.

At $ 1.01 billion, it is expected to include the same type of military equipment that the United States claims most in need of Ukrainians: anti-weapons and anti-aircraft systems, including portable air defense, such as javelins and stingers. The money will come approximately Ukraine was allocated $ 13.6 billion in the Omnibus budget bill Mr. Biden signed on Tuesday. Mr. Biden’s announcement package totals $ 1 billion, including more than $ 200 million in support sent over the weekend and about $ 800 million in new funding.

The White House is considering sending another 15,000 troops to Europe. Russia-Ukraine crisis Started, mr. Biden is not expected to send more troops now, U.S. officials said.

During President Biden’s address to the nation, he received applause from both parties as he warned Russia that more concerted action would be taken in response to the occupation of Ukraine. He also devised ways to help control inflation. Photo: Jabin Botsford / Press Pool

“We urgently move to further support the brave people of Ukraine as they defend their country,” President Biden said Tuesday without elaborating. “We have a lot more to say about this tomorrow about exactly what we are doing in Ukraine.”

Senators and members of the House of Representatives have called on the administration to send as much military support as possible to Ukraine. Wednesday in his virtual speech in CongressMr. Zelensky is expected to appeal to that support.

On Tuesday, Mr. Zhelensky did A Petition in the Parliament of Canada It called on lawmakers to stop Russia from trying to “destroy” Ukraine.

“It was very difficult, but it also allowed us to see who our true friends were in the last 20 days,” he said. Zhelensky said.

But Pentagon officials and others say some form of support will not help the Ukrainians and that the United States could slip into direct conflict with Russia within Ukraine. Those officials who oppose the set up Non-flying area, Determining that Russian naval missiles will not be attacked from within Russia and that US and North Atlantic Treaty organization jets may be required to shoot down Russian aircraft. The Pentagon has also refused to support a separate proposal Polish should supply jets to Ukraine The U.S. argues that the Ukrainians did not use their existing jet fighters. The Pentagon has also cited logistical challenges in obtaining flights within Ukraine.

Soldiers and volunteers retreated from fighting on Saturday in the Ukrainian city of Irfin.


Christopher O’Keefe for the Wall Street Journal

New support comes after US officials said over the weekend that Moscow had approached Beijing for economic and military assistance in the aftermath of the invasion. China has been reluctant to distance itself from RussiaAnd Moscow and Beijing have denied that Russia asked China for military assistance.

The United States is still in the process of sending about $ 350 million worth of arms to Ukraine. Security officials say the United States has provided $ 2.5 billion in military assistance since Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2014.

Corrections & Multiplications
President Volodymyr Zelensky is expected to make a plea to Congress. An earlier version of this article mispronounced the president’s first name as Volodymyr. (Edited March 16)

Write to Gordon Lubold at [email protected], Vivian Salama at [email protected] and Nancy A. at [email protected]. Joseph

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In the print edition released on March 16, 2022, ‘Biden to announce $ 1 Billion in New Aid.’

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