Corona virus updates: CDC recommends 2 Govt vaccines for very young children

debt…Meredith Kohat for The New York Times

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Saturday recommended Govt vaccines for children as young as 6 months old, making them one of the last Americans to qualify for the vaccine. Parents should start vaccinating young children from Tuesday.

Federal regulators have now approved the modern vaccine for children 6 months to 5 years of age and the Pfizer-Bioendech vaccine for children 6 months to 4 years of age. (Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is available for children 5 years of age and older from November.)

All children 6 months and older, including those already infected with the corona virus, should be vaccinated with the Govt vaccine, said Dr. Rochelle B. Snyder, director of the CDC. Valensky said in a statement.

“Together, at the forefront of science, we have takenAnother important stepForwardIn the struggle of our nation against Govt-19, ”he said. “We know that millions of parents and caregivers are eager to vaccinate their young children, and by today’s decision they will be able to.”   


Dr. Director of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Rochelle b. Valensky, despite reservations about the lack of data, approved the decision after a scientific panel backed the views.debtdebt… Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Following meetings on Friday and Saturday, the agency’s scientific advisers strongly supported the vaccine, despite reservations regarding the lack of data, especially on the effectiveness of the Pfizer-Bioentech vaccine.

CDC Team Proof asked Supports the effectiveness of the vaccine in younger children, but according to its assessment Pfizer was repeatedly pressed and noted that three doses of that vaccine would be required compared to two doses of the modern vaccine.

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Both vaccines are safe, and both produce antibody levels similar to those found in adolescents. But CDC consultants struggled with the difficulty of prescribing two different vaccines for the same population.

“Implementing these two publications will be incredibly challenging,” said Caitlin Jedelina, a public health expert and editor of the widely read newsletter.Your local epidemiologist. “

“There has to be a lot of effective communication about the difference between the two and the implications of taking one for the other,” he said.

In its clinical trials, Moderna developed two shots of its vaccine, each a quarter of the adult dose, with antibody levels that were at least as high as in adolescents.

The company estimates the effectiveness of the symptomatic vaccine in 51 percent of children aged 6 to 24 months and 37 percent in children aged 2 to 5 months.

One in five children experienced the flu, but the side effects were minimal. As with the effects seen in adults, the effectiveness against acute illness and death is thought to be high.

Based on that data, the FDA has approved two shots of the modern vaccine at four-week intervals.

The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine also developed strong immunity, but after three doses, company officials told scientific advisers on Friday.

They said two doses of the vaccine were not enough – regulators justified the FDA’s decision in February to delay approving the vaccine until data on three doses were available. Two doses may not be enough because the company gave children only one-tenth of the adult dose per shot, some consultants said.

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The vaccine has an overall effectiveness of 80 percent in children under 5 years of age, Pfizer scientists said Friday. But that was the basis of the calculation Three children and seven people on the vaccination team received placebo, which CDC advisers noted was an incredible measure.

Dr. Sarah Long, an epidemiologist at the University College of Medicine in Drexel, said: “We think we do not have performance data, but Dr. Long is” comfortable enough “with other data to support the vaccine’s potential.

Pfizer developed three doses of the vaccine, which produced antibody levels comparable to those found in young people, suggesting that it would be more effective.

“The Pfizer is a three-dose series, but as a three-dose series, it is very effective,” said Dr. William Downer, who led vaccine trials for both Moderna and Pfizer at Kaiser Fermende in Southern California.

Better than no vaccine at all, Dr. Downer added. He predicted that some parents might choose Moderna because taking the kids to the pediatrician for two shots is easier than arranging for them to get three.

The Pfizer vaccine was approved for children between the ages of 5 and 11 in November, but less than 30 percent of those ages have received both vaccines. In a poll conducted by the CDC, about half of parents said they would vaccinate their children in February, but by May, only a third of parents said they would like to do so.

Consultants discussed whether the vaccine improves protection against acute illness in children who are already infected. Little information is available from children between the ages of 5 and 11 because vaccinations are scarce for those ages.

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But in adults, the infection of the previous Omigron variant is not enough to protect against the newer versions.

Vaccines will still be needed to protect children from future variants, experts concluded. “That integrated security is really safe and very effective,” said Dr Sarah Oliver, a CDC scientist who chaired Saturday’s debate.

If parents of young children are given the Govt vaccine in combination with other conventional immunizations, they may be more willing to choose it, Dr. Downer said.

“It’s an area that a lot of people don’t know for sure right now,” he said. “I hope some guidance will be given around that.”

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