Direct Announcements: Russia Occupies Ukraine

May 12 A bridge over the Shivarsky Donetsk River, northeast of Rubisnev in Ukraine. (Blocksky)

As Russian forces retreated due to prolonged Ukrainian resistance in the Kharkiv region, three important bridges were demolished to continue Ukrainian progress, according to satellite imagery by Blacksky and the European Space Agency.

Pictures taken from the Black Sky on May 12 crossing the collapsed sections of bridges Shivarsky Donets River Near the villages of Rubisne and Starry Saltiv, about 10 miles south of the Russian border.

The village of Rubishne is near Starry Saltiv, although it shares the same name with the town in Luhansk.

A bridge over the Shivarsky Donets River east of the city of Stari Saltiv in Ukraine on May 12
A bridge over the Shivarsky Donets River (Blacksky) east of Starry Salty in Ukraine on May 12

The villages were recently liberated by Ukrainian forces.

Another satellite image taken by the European Space Agency on May 8 shows the bridge across the Beschenek Hydroelectric Station – the bridge closest to the south – exploding.

There are only two small bridges to the north of the currently Russian-occupied villages of Ohirtzev and Buhruguvatka. Their current status is unknown as clouds obscure the latest satellite imagery.

Why Bridges Are Important: If those bridges are compromised, the pace of Ukrainian progress will be significantly hampered.

Speed ​​alone is not important to Ukrainian forces. Major Russian supply routes to the Luhansk region, near the city of Izium for Russian military advance, lie east of the Shivarsky Donets River in the Kharkiv region.

Although it is not entirely clear when the bridges were built, or who was responsible for doing so, it is unlikely that the Ukrainians were responsible for their destruction. Bridges are essential for their counterattack and targeting distribution lines.

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