President Biden says US troops will defend Taiwan if China attacks

President Biden has reaffirmed that US troops will defend Taiwan in case of an attack from China, Biden’s clearest recent statement. About how far the US would go to support Taiwan militarily.

In an interview with CBS’ “60 Minutes” that aired Sunday evening, Biden told host Scott Pelley that “the United States will defend Taiwan if there is a truly unprecedented attack.” China claims Taiwan, a self-governing democratic nation of 23 million people, as its own territory and has insisted it could one day use force to seize control of the island.

from Russia invaded Ukraine Six months ago, Biden repeatedly insisted that U.S. military forces would not fight Russian troops on Ukrainian soil. Belle pressed Biden on whether the situation would have been different if an attack on Taiwan had occurred.

“Unlike Ukraine, sir, will American forces — American men and women — defend Taiwan in the event of a Chinese invasion?” asked Belle.

“Yes,” Biden replied.

The interview is recent In many cases In it, Biden said that the United States would come militarily to Taiwan’s defense if China attacked. Each time, White House officials insisted that his comments did not represent any change in US policy.

Taiwan’s foreign minister protested a visit by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Aug. 9, saying China was using the drills to prepare for an invasion. (Video: Reuters)

A Biden administration official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the issue, pointed to comments the president made in May. told reporters Strategic ambiguity toward Taiwan prevailed. At the time, he did not elaborate, nor did he state openly, that he would send American troops to Taiwan in the event of a Chinese invasion.

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“He also made it clear that our Taiwan policy has not changed,” the official said. “That’s true.”

A representative for the State Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment Sunday.

The “60 Minutes” segment falsely stated that US policy has recognized Taiwan as part of China since 1979. Under America’s “one-China policy,” the U.S. government under various administrations has acquiesced to Beijing’s view for decades without taking a position on Taiwan’s sovereignty status.

under Taiwan Relationship Lawsigned by President Jimmy Carter in 1979, the United States agreed to provide Taiwan with weapons for self-defense, and the United States agreed to “maintain the ability of the United States to resist any force or other coercion that endangers the security, , or social or economic structure of the people in Taiwan. This language guarantees the possibility of military intervention.” Neither give nor deny, although the United States has long practiced “strategic ambiguity.”

In a “60 Minutes” interview, Biden referred to the Taiwan Relations Act when asked what Chinese President Xi Jinping should know about Biden’s commitment to Taiwan.

“We agree that we signed up a long time ago,” Biden told Pelley. “There is a China policy, and Taiwan makes their own decisions about their independence. We’re not moving — we’re not encouraging them to be independent. That’s their decision.”

Tensions between the United States and China — as well as between China and Taiwan — have risen in recent months. Shortly after Russia invaded Ukraine, Biden sent an unofficial delegation Former U.S. defense and national security officials to Taiwan, an effort to show America’s commitment to Taiwan “remains rock solid,” an administration official said at the time.

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On August 7, in response to a recent visit by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), both Democratic and Republican lawmakers rejected China’s military expansion. (Video: The Washington Post)

Last month, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) Traveled with Congress delegation For Taipei, Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) became the first House Speaker to visit Taiwan in 1997. There, the delegation met with Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen, and Pelosi repeatedly affirmed America’s “commitment.” and “stable friendship” with Taiwan.

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The visit angered Beijing. Under the Chinese Communist Party, Beijing has pursued global status for decades pressure campaign Diplomatically isolating Taiwan’s democratically elected government by hounding its diplomatic partners and strongly opposing exchanges between Taipei and foreign officials.

China conducted expanded military exercises near Taiwan before and after Pelosi’s visit, saying it was a warning to “provocateurs” challenging Beijing’s claims to Taiwan. Beijing also imposed sanctions On Pelosi and her immediate family, he canceled military talks and suspended climate talks with the United States.

Christian Shepherd contributed to this report.

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